This show was originally released during the Fall 2006 season as a spin-off of the OVA Tokimeki Memorial. I've also seen that, so I'll give a mini review-in-a-review!!
Tokimeki Memorial actually has quite an impressive story to the entire franchise, so I'd suggest you wiki it!
Tonikaku! On with the story!
Riku Aoba just transferred to another school due to his father's job. Although the school itself apparently focuses on Freedom, I see it no different from other anime high schools, minus the obscure events. Wait. Scratch that.
Basically, the series revolves around Riku meeting 3 girls, who all fall for him, and his indecisiveness that adds flair to this high school drama/slice of life. All 25 episodes follow the time he's spending in his new school. There. Spoiler 1.
I didn't bother to add all 30 characters. Only the ones that are worth bringing up.
P.S. I pic comment cause I'm bored.

"Is my penis supposed to do this?"
Transfer Stud: Riku Aoba. Dorky, hesitant, and pathetic. Why do girls ALWAYS fall for this type? His personality never changes throughout this animé, but it's a stable attitude that keeps him popular in his new school.

"Gosh I'm hot...Oh, and it's hot in here."
Girl #1: Sayuri Amamiya. The calm, composed, and collected 'perfect girl'. I don't really care for this type of character, because there's no real pizazz to her. She's just there for guys to unquestionably worship.

"Is that tuna-safe dolphin?"
Girl #2: Mina Yayoi. The quiet, timid dolphin-loving girl. That's pretty much her cute side, breaking her 'character set'-barriers for the sake of love. Swimming's her forté, because we want more swimsuit shots!

"I see you're having the breakfast burrito this time..."
Girl #3: Tsukasa Kasuga. The outgoing, lovey-dovey type. Crazy about Riku and Volleyball, she'd do pretty much anything for either without any concern for how the other party feels. Can you say 'stalker'? Cute, though.

"Birds explode if they eat rice, right?"
Demon Bird: Hiyoko. This is the most badass chick I've ever seen. No questions asked.

"And a hentai scene in 3...2...1..."
Teacher: Haruka Wakatake. She's basically the 'hot older woman who doubts her attractive side' or something along those matters. The pictures below basically say it all.

"Are these really the teachers of Japan? Should I still consider becoming an english teacher?"

"It's raping time!"
Delinquent #1: Kyohei Doujima. Although he looks like an overboard gangster, he's really a good guy. Just as long as you stay away from his crush. Who's his crush, you say? What did I say about 'perfect girls'?

"Am I a very pretty man? Or perhaps a very manly lady?"
Delinquent #2: Koya Inukai. Silent and cold character. Basically my favorite guy in the series, although he's only had 1 episode to himself. Pretty much your Devil May Cry's Danté, only he likes to draw and talks even less.

"Are you my daddy?"
Stalker Junior: Momo Aikawa. She's a junior who happens to have the hots for Inukai. The best things about her are the fact that she's your hesitant lovestruck kouhai, and she's voiced by Rie Kugumiya!

"I can read your every thoug--wait, WTF? What's wrong with you!?"
Mad Science Teacher: Yagen-sensei. Ridiculously wicked. Does anything for the sake of 'science' and 'evolution', and I wouldn't have it any other way! Awesome teacher!

"Afros sure are dangerous!"
Afro ghost: ???. She really has no name, although I don't even know why they'd add someone like her into the series. Voiced by Kikuko Inoue, so I'll let it slide this once!

"Yeah, that'll fit!"
Childhood friend: Yukari Higashino. Yes, if I had to pair her up with someone, it'd be either Seto no Hanayome's Luna or Umisho's Maaya Nanako. Those typical girls that like the main character, yet have that history of bullying. Two faced, if you will.

"I can do great things with my balls."
Baseball freak: Ichiro Ishiuchi. Senpai and baseball captain. I have no real reason to add him, other than the fact that he looks exactly like Meito Anisawa in Lucky Star...well, at least before I compared pics.
All in all, I can't say that it's been worth anything watching this series, but it may be better to watch than other series from that seaso to this Summer's season. It's definitely something to consider watching if you like any and all slow romantic comedies.
I give it a 6.5/10.